To use a keyboard shortcut, or key combination, you press a modifier key with a character key. A keyboard shortcut is a way to invoke a function in OS X by pressing a combination of keys on your keyboard. The keystroke combination for searching for text within a message was Ctrl / Command + F, Ctrl / Command + F. hortcuts Learn about common OS X keyboard shortcuts. In subsequent versions prior to version 8, the Ctrl / Command + F key combination was reassigned to invoke Quick Filter, which allows you to limit the messages currently displayed by specifying various filter parameters. Command + Up/Down arrow: Scroll to the top-left or bottom-left corner of a webpage.
Press Escape/Command + Full stop(.): Cancel the current Find. Shift + Click a Link: Add a webpage to Reading List.

In earlier versions (prior to 3.1) of Thunderbird, the Ctrl / Command + F key combination invoked the function for searching for text in the currently selected message. If you are using Word for Mac, strikethrough is accessible through the following shortcut: COMMAND + Shift + X. You can use the following Mac keyboard shortcuts to do a host of things while using the Safari browser. For the full list of all keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard Shortcuts. These keyboard shortcuts are useful when working with text in word processors, email applications, and more. This means you'll need to experiment with key combinations to perform some keyboard shortcuts. This page shows the keyboard shortcuts for the various search functions in Thunderbird. If you are not using a Mac keyboard, you may not have the Command or Option keys.