Rapelay translation
Rapelay translation

rapelay translation

Even a few thousand outraged twitter users can have serious consequenses to video games, just as soccer moms had on the Japanese video game market outside of Japan(stiffled it before it even considered growing). This is also why we all shake our heads to outrage mob deniers\appologists. Originally posted by Smell:What happened in 2009? Can't find anything on google. It was ridiculous, still is ridiculous as the game was never intented, nor was it outright obtainable by anyone outside of Japan(doesn't run on non-japanese pc's either, i.e: have to change localisation settings on the computer or use a program that does it on a software-software basis, such as applocale), but that didn't stop soccer moms from getting their panties in a twitch. I remember it vividly, I also remember the time when you could go to Japanese game sites regardless of IP, and when the IP blocking happened, and all the workarounds that started to pop up(VPNs weren't a popular thing back then). I forget people probalby weren't around at the time, lol. What happened in 2009? Can't find anything on google. For obvious reasons *cough* 2009 controversy *cough*. No circumstance in the world would ever make Illusion even think about releasing Play Home to the west, lol.

rapelay translation

Also to add, Play Home is fairly different theme all together, and is never going to see a western release, ever.

Rapelay translation