Types crack addiction
Types crack addiction

types crack addiction

types crack addiction

Addiction is a very serious illness, one that claims lives needlessly on a daily basis. If they are unable to escape their addiction they will be heading towards insanity and an early death. Once trapped in the downward spiral of chronic alcohol, drug abuse or a process addiction, they can look forward to a steady deterioration in their life, circumstances and relationships. The individual suffering from addiction is not at fault for having the disease of addiction, but they are responsible for taking the correct steps to ensure that they receive appropriate treatment for their condition.Īddiction is a progressive illness over any given period of time the individual will only get worse without the correct help, support and treatment. The individual affected is not in control of their thoughts or actions, as the crux of the problem ultimately resides in the addict’s brain in their core belief systems, thought processes, obsessive thinking, compulsions and subsequent actions. Your road to a healthy, long-term recovery starts here.Īddiction, regardless of the substance or activity the individual is addicted to, has a far reaching ripple effect that not only endangers the individual addicted, but also causes untold amounts of pain, stress, fear and consequences to loved ones, family members, friends, work colleagues, and the local community.Īddiction is now recognised by Public England Health and medical professionals around the world as a “chronic relapsing brain disease”.

#Types crack addiction professional

Using our vast experience in the field of addiction treatment, we will also tell you the signs and symptoms to look out for, that would indicate immediate professional help is required. In this section you will learn about dual diagnosis, co-occurring illnesses, alcohol, illegal drugs, over the counter medicines, prescription drugs and activity based process addictions. Common examples of process addictions are gambling, co-dependency, and sex and love addiction. Process addictions are just as harmful as substance addictions and carry very similar consequences to the individual sufferer and also to their loved ones and family. We also cover process addictions this is where an individual becomes addicted to a particular activity. If you or a loved one are suffering from a substance abuse problem or an addiction or dependency to alcohol, illicit, legal or prescription drugs, it is important to arm yourself with the facts and the latest in evidence based treatments that are available. Are you worried that you or someone close to you is suffering from an addiction? If so, we can help! Our addiction pages give you all the information and facts specific to each substance addiction, process addiction (activity) and dependency.

Types crack addiction